Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Cirrus Mountain to Big Berland, AB: Part 1 (6/20/2017)

Day 7
1964, the Plan: Valley View, AB to Fort Nelson, British Columbia (BC).
1964, the Actuality: On Thursday, July 23, the Explorer Scouts traveled from near Cirrus Mountain, AB to Berland River, AB. Kent reported via postcard that they stopped at the Columbia Icefield where they have cars that go up on the glaciers, but they weren't taking any. It was getting cold, only 40 degrees.

Tuesday, June 20, 2017
We departed from the Icefields Tent Campground to head to Berland River, AB, as we continued up the Icefields Parkway/AB-93.
Morning view at Icefields Tent Campground
1964: Approaching the Columbia Icefield Centre (Dr M)
2017: Approaching the Columbia Icefield Discovery Centre
1964: Athabasca Glacier (KSS)
2017: Athabasca Glacier
1964: Parking at the toe of Athabasca Glacier (Dr M)
2017: Parking at the former toe of the Athabasca Glacier
Outhouse and bear-proof trash and recycling containers
1964: Explorer Scouts next to the Athabasca Glacier (Dr M)
2017: Kent next to a remnant of ice
1964: Looking south from Athabasca Glacier (Dr M)
2017: Looking south from the moraine of Athabasca Glacier
We had to go hiking to find the toe of the Athabasca Glacier. It is one of eight glaciers fed by the Columbia Icefield, the largest icefield in the Rocky Mountains.
This "bowl" was once filled with ice
The toe was here in 1982, and we still can't see its current position
Looking back from the 1982 position at Tamiko, and farther behind is
the Columbia Discovery Centre where the toe reached in the 1800s (KSS)
Striations left by the glacier dragging rocks across the ground
The toe of the Athabasca Glacier is in sight!
Dirt and gravel covered ice
We continued north on Icefields Parkway/AB-93.
1964: Heading north on Icefields Parkway (Dr M)
2017: Heading north on Icefields Parkway
Oreamnos americanus/Mountain Goat (KSS)
1964: Tangle Creek Falls (KSS)
2017: Tangle Creek Falls
Stutfield Glacier, also fed by the Columbia Icefield
The North Saskatchewan River begins at the toe of the Saskatchewan Glacier (fed by the Columbia Icefield) and
flows generally towards the east to merge with the South Saskatchewan River in the province of Saskatchewan;
the Saskatchewan River ends in Lake Winnipeg in Alberta
Sunwapta Upper Falls (Sunwapta River)
Sunwapta Lower Falls
These rental RVs were very popular!
Icefields Parkway Goats and Glaciers Viewpoint:
no goats or glaciers! (KSS)
Athabasca Falls; teams setting up lifesaving lines?
Lifesaving training? (KSS)
Athabasca Falls (Upper Athabasca River)
Large groups of stopped cars means a wildlife sighting;
but these people were risking danger by leaving their cars to see a bear!
(including allowing the children out of the car!)
Ursus americanus/American Black Bear;
we saw the rear ends of many a black bear on this trip!
Jasper Skytram (Grand opening was in 1964)
Looking down on the lower station
The spruce bark beetle is killing most of the spruce trees,
making them turn yellow, orange, brown, then dead
The town of Jasper as seen from the Skytram upper station
on Whistler Mountain
Callospermophilus lateralis/
Golden-mantled Ground Squirrel (KSS)
Path through the snow atop Whistler Mountain
Can you see the very long train?
Day 7 continues...

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